Agenda item

23/01083/FULM - 40 Stratford Road, Watford, WD17 4NZ


The Principal Planning Officer delivered his report and the update sheet that had previously been circulated to the membership and speakers. 


The Chair thanked the officer, and asked if the chimneys shown on the plans were decorative or active.  It was confirmed by the Principal Planning Officer that they were decorative. 



The Chair then invited James Cohen to speak in favour of the application.


Mr. Cohen stated that he had sought to develop three high quality unique family homes, which would have generous inside and outside spaces.  He continued to say that while they had considered flats and smaller developments, they had decided on the current proposal when they factored in the local housing need, the heritage of the area as well as the proximity to listed buildings.  In his opinion it would enhance the area, while being modern but also respecting the heritage.  This would minimise impact of neighbouring properties and amenities.  There would be minimal impact on highways using existing access and had been deemed safe by highways with no additional dangers created. Only one new dropped kerb would be created and none of the units would be allowed to seek on-street parking permits in the future avoiding, any future issues with parking.


The Chair thanked Mr. Cohen and invited Councillor Hofman to speak.


Councillor Hofman noted this was the fourth time a proposal had been proposed for the site.  He stated that there had been dozens of objections, and that local residents had been caused anxiety as a result of this potential development and that it would result in a loss of privacy to them.  He further stated that the house currently occupying the plot was of local significance and its loss would damage the heritage of the area.  Councillor Hofman believed that it would be dangerous with vehicles pulling in or out of the drive.  Residents appreciated the presence of the range of mature trees which would be lost if the development were to go ahead, furthermore, he stated that there would also be a significant loss of light to Yorke Gate.  He finished by stating that it was an aggressive development that would undermine the quality and character of the local area. 


The Chair thanked Councillor Hofman and highlighted a few discrepancies.  Firstly; that in relation to the access being considered dangerous by Councillor Hofman, Highways did not share this opinion and were experts on the matter.  He also clarified that there had only been thirteen objections received, not dozens.  He also voiced the opinion that if it was worth preserving it would be on the list of buildings of interest.  Finally, he stated that the committee must respond to facts and evidence and that he could see no reason why the committee would not approve three large family homes in an area of large family homes.  He then invited the committee to comment. 


The committee welcomed the design.  There was a general feeling that three new family homes would be of great benefit to the area.  They could not see any real harm to any of the neighbours or find any reason to refuse and believed it was in keeping with the character of the area.


The Chair moved for the committee to vote on his motion.


On being put to the committee, the application was granted. 




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions.




Section 106 Heads of Terms

(i) The sum of £350 (three hundred and fifty pounds) towards the Council’s administrative and monitoring costs; and

(ii) The sum of £2,000 (two thousand pounds) towards the variation of the Borough of Watford (Controlled Parking Zones) (Consolidated) Order 2023 to exclude future residents of the Development from entitlement to resident and visitor parking permits for the controlled parking zone in Zone D as defined by that order in accordance with paragraph 11.58 of the Watford Local Plan 2021-2038.


1. Time Limit

The development to which this permission relates shall be begun within a period of three years commencing on the date of this permission.


2. Approved Drawings and Documents

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings:















040ST-A-01-001 Rev: 3

040ST-A-01-002 Rev: 3

040ST-A-02-101 Rev: 3

040ST-A-02-102 Rev: 3

040ST-A-02-103 Rev: 3

040ST-A-02-104 Rev: 3

040ST-A-03-101 Rev: 3

040ST-A-03-102 Rev: 3

040ST-A-03-103 Rev: 3

040ST-A-03-106 Rev: 3

040ST-A-05-101 Rev: 3

040ST-A-05-102 Rev: 3

040ST-A-06-101 Rev: 3

040ST-A-06-102 Rev: 3

040ST-A-06-103 Rev: 3

040ST-A-06-104 Rev: 3


TRK01 (1)



3. Materials

No development above ground level shall be carried out until full details of the materials to be used for all the external finishes of the development hereby approved, including all external walls, all roofs, doors, windows, fascias, rainwater and foul drainage goods, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


4. Detailed drawings

No development above ground level shall be carried out until detailed section drawings of the external elevations of the proposed dwellings, including walls/brick detailing, door and window reveals, cills, gable edges,

parapets/eaves design and rainwater and foul drainage goods have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


5. Accessible Dwellings

The development hereby approved shall be constructed to The Building Regulations (2010) Access to and Use of Buildings, Approved Document M (2015 as amended), Volume 1: Dwellings, M4(2): Accessible and adaptable dwellings.


6. Water efficiency

The development hereby approved shall be constructed to meet the water efficiency optional requirement of 110 litres of water per person per day, as set out in The Building Regulations (2010) Approved Document G

Requirement G2 and Regulation 36.


7. Permitted development rights removed

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Town

and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any modification or re-enactment thereof), no enlargements of a dwellinghouse permitted under Classes A or B or the provision of hard surfaces permitted under Class F shall be carried out or constructed without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.


Supporting documents: