Agenda item

MTFS - Review and redesign of the senior management structure

Report of the Chief Executive



Cabinet received a report of the Chief Executive which set out proposals for a new senior management structure for the council.


The Mayor invited the Chief Executive to introduce the report.


The Chief Executive informed members that having approved the budget the previous week, members were aware of the council’s budgetary pressures.  As a result, the council was undergoing a review and redesign across the organisation.  The first evaluation was of the senior management team, which had previously been reviewed in 2022.  At that point the council had not been aware of the challenges coming in the following year.  The report before members formalised the restructure that had been part of the council’s plans approved at Council the previous week.  The report provided details of posts proposed for deletion, some of which provided no savings as they were currently vacant.  There was one request to establish the role of Director of Performance and Partnerships.  The Monitoring Officer was a statutory role and it was recommended that the duties would be taken on by an existing member of the Corporate Management Team.  The outcome of the internal recruitment would be presented to Council in May.


The Mayor thanked the Chief Executive and other officers for their work.  He noted that no compulsory redundancies would be required, as the proposed deleted posts were either vacant or were being vacated by voluntary redundancy.


Councillor Dychton thanked the Chief Executive and other officers for their work on this matter, ensuring the residents of Watford were still able to get the help they needed.  She said that she wished to express her appreciation for Kathryn Robson and her outstanding work and dedication to the Watford community and colleagues over the years.   She had worked with Kathryn since being elected and welcomed her professionalism.


Councillor Watkin said that he wished to thank Carol Chen in her role as Group Head of Democracy and Governance and particularly as Monitoring Officer.  He felt it was hard to think of Watford Borough Council without Carol.  Carol had steered the council through difficult decisions and provided wise counsel.  She would be a huge loss.  He added that he wanted to welcome Jacqui Hutton, the Head of Legal Shared Services.  He finished by stating he wished Carol every success in the future.


The Mayor asked for clarification if it was common for a Monitoring Officer not to have a legal background.


The Chief Executive explained it was acceptable.  There was no requirement for the Monitoring Officer to have a legal background.   The approach being taken would be that if the appointed person did not have a legal background, then they would need to appoint a legally qualified deputy either from a neighbouring authority or from the Shared Legal Services managed by the Head of Legal Shared Services.


Councillor Saffery echoed the comments of the other councillors.  Both Carol and Kathryn had been professional and kind, guiding him as a new councillor when he was 25.




1.         That the deletion of the following roles be approved:


·        Group Head of Democracy and Governance

·        Executive Director of Corporate, Housing and Wellbeing Services

·        Executive Head of Strategy and Initiatives (Partnerships and Community)

·        Executive Head of Strategy and Initiatives (Sustainability and Culture)


2.         That the permanent establishment of the role of Director of Performance and Partnerships be approved.


3.         In regard to the council’s Monitoring Officer:


a.   The assignment of the statutory role of Monitoring Officer to the duties of an existing member of Corporate Management Team be agreed.

b.   That, following an internal recruitment process, a recommendation to appoint a new Monitoring Officer will be made to Annual Council in May 2024 be noted.


4.         That the realignment of services following the deletion of the posts referenced at resolution 1 above be noted.


5.         That the adoption of the new senior management structure as set out in Appendix 1 be approved.


6.         That all related constitutional changes, including the scheme of delegation, be delegated to the Monitoring Officer.


Supporting documents: