Agenda item

Final Draft Local Plan

Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Building Control




1.         that the Watford final draft Local Plan, content set out at Appendix A of the report and proposed graphic design included at Appendix B of the report, be approved for publishing for Regulation 19 consultation.


2.         that delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Development to approve any minor amendments required including following feedback from the Sustainability Appraisal and a peer review prior to publication be agreed.


Cabinet received a report of the Interim Head of Planning and Building Control which sought approval for the final draft Watford Local Plan to be published for Regulation 19 consultation.


Councillor Sharpe, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Development, was invited to introduce the report.  He informed Cabinet that the plan had been developed in a constantly changing planning system.  It had been a significant challenge and expressed his gratitude to current and former officers for their work in producing this important document for the council.  The plan would shape the future of the town for many years.  He set out some of the areas covered in the report including, developing high-quality office floorspace, improvement to the green infrastructure, built heritage, infrastructure and sustainable transport.


Councillor Sharpe said one of the biggest challenges was the level of housing growth the council was required to meet.  The plan helped to shape locations for development.  The planning team had worked hard to identify appropriate sites.  The council attempted to protect the character of the residential neighbourhoods.  Following the consultation, the plan would be examined by a government-appointed inspector who would consider if the plan was sound. 


Following a question from the Mayor about the consultation process, the Executive Head of Corporate Strategy and Communications advised that the team had tried to find new ways to engage with the local community in addition to traditional methods.  They had identified particular target groups, including young people, older residents, the BAME community and the disabled community.  A range of consultation tools had been developed.  There was a dedicated website.  In addition they had tried to ensure that the document was in plain English.


Councillor Bell welcomed the communications plan.  He said it was very important that Watford residents were able to have their say.  The test would be in the future if residents felt their area was losing its character and any loss of heritage.


The Interim Head of Planning and Building Control advised that there were a number of detailed policies within the plan to cover this.  It was necessary to make the best opportunity for heritage assets to be used so that they could be enjoyed by future generations.


Councillor Johnson welcomed the social housing proposals.  He added that he realised that it would not be without difficulties to get every social home possible.  He was concerned about the density of some proposed sites, for example the Tesco site in the Lower High Street.


The Spatial Planning Manager explained that as part of the Regulation 19 consultation, people would be asked about the content of the plan and any concerns.  There would be scope for officers to consider any comments and if it was possible to improve the plan to ensure the best policies had been applied.  The changes would be put to the planning inspector who would make any changes.  At this point the key point was whether the plan was sound. 


The Interim Head of Planning and Building Control added that it was necessary to look at planning in the round.  Density was founded on evidence, mapping it to public transport and local facilities.


Councillor Collett asked for clarification about the communications.  She was pleased that young people would be contacted.  She questioned whether sixth formers and college students would be included.  In addition she commented that some older people did not have access to social media and enquired if there would be a mailshot. 


The Executive Head of Corporate Strategy and Communications confirmed that the college and sixth forms would be contacted.  Hard copies of the review would be available and a group of older residents was being set up.  The Mayor mentioned that it had already been presented to the Dementia Steering Group.




1.         that the Watford final draft Local Plan, content set out at Appendix A of the report and proposed graphic design included at Appendix B of the report, be approved for publishing for Regulation 19 consultation.


2.         that delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Development to approve any minor amendments required including following feedback from the Sustainability Appraisal and a peer review prior to publication be agreed.

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