Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Watford

Contact: Ian Smith  Email:

Note: Due to technical reasons the webcast recording is not available. 

No. Item

Conduct of the meeting pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The committee will take items in the following order:


1.      All items where people wish to speak and have registered with Democratic Services.

2.      Any remaining items the committee agrees can be determined without further debate.

3.      Those applications which the committee wishes to discuss in detail.


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence. 



Disclosure of interests


There were no disclosures of interest.




The minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2022 to be submitted and signed.


The minutes from the meeting on 14 March 2022 were approved and signed.



21/01575/VARM - 94-98 St Albans Road pdf icon PDF 486 KB

Additional documents:


The Development Management Manager delivered the report.


The Chair thanked the officer and invited Mr Tom Anthony of Berkeley Homes to address the committee. 


Mr Anthony introduced himself as the Planning and Development Manager for Berkeley Homes.  He expressed his view that the officer’s report had been fair and balanced and that he intended to provide the members with a brief update of the progress of the development.  He added that he was proud to provide high quality homes and communities. 


Mr Anthony explained that a marketing suite would soon be opened and that phase 1 would include a GP’s surgery. 


This application responded to changes in the housing market that had occurred since the initial application, it recognised the importance of outside amenity space and added 408 external balconies to the units, with all units now having balconies.  Furthermore, the current application amended the housing mix, with 101 Studio apartments, a reduction in the number of one bedroom flats, but an increase in the number of two bedroom units, with no change in the number of three bedroom apartments.  


Mr Anthony stressed that these changes had not caused any change to the height and scale of the development, but had been achieved by a reconfiguration of the internal floor space which provided 53 additional, much needed homes and he pointed out that there was also a commuted sum of £543,783 towards affordable housing, 408 balconies and no additional impact from cars, which recognised Watford’s sustainability policies.  Mr Anthony concluded by commending that application to the committee.


The Chair thanked Mr Anthony and invited Councillor Ian Stotesbury to speak. 


Councillor Stotesbury opened by expressing his unhappiness at the proposal, describing the large scale introduction of studio flats, which was a significant change from the original application and the consultation with local residents over two surgeries.  He suggested there had been less consultation over this current application.  Councillor Stotesbury noted the car-free delivery, but stated that residents wanted to see on-site parking. 


The Chair thanked Councillor Stotesbury and asked the officer to comment on the level of consultation for the current application. 


The Development Management Manager stated that 2285 letters had been sent out with 20 objections received.  This was the same number of notifications as for the previous application. 


The Chair invited County Councillor Asif Khan to address the committee. 


County Councillor Khan commented that when the original application had been passed, it had caused some anger from local residents.  He added that this proposal would not benefit Callowland residents.  Councillor Khan suggested that this also broke planning rules as there was insufficient affordable housing and this change in housing mix was to benefit the bottom line profit of the developer and not Watford residents.  Social housing provision was a key issue for residents and the £543,783 commuted sum was insufficient.  He concluded by suggesting a reduction in height or a change in the housing mix might make it more palatable. 


At the request of the Chair, the Development Management  ...  view the full minutes text for item 57.