Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Watford

Contact: Sandra Hancock  Email:

Note: Due to technical issues there is no recording of this meeting. 

No. Item


Election of Chairman


It was moved by Councillor Pattinson and seconded by Councillor Ezeifedi

“That Councillor Amanda Grimston be elected Chairman of Watford Borough Council for the municipal year 2022/23.”

The motion, on being put to the meeting, was declared to be CARRIED.



         that Councillor Amanda Grimston be elected Chairman of Watford Borough Council for the municipal year 2022/23.

The new Chairman made and delivered the declaration of acceptance of office according to law.


Election of Vice Chairman


It was moved by Mayor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Pattinson:

“That Councillor Simon Feldman be elected Vice Chairman for the Municipal Year 2022/23.” 

The motion on being put to the meeting was declared to be CARRIED.


that Councillor Simon Feldman be elected Vice Chairman of Watford Borough Council for the Municipal Year 2022/23.

The Managing Director then confirmed the appointment of Lee Keogh as the Chairman’s Consort and Jennifer Benge as the Vice Chairman’s consort.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Johnson and Trebar.

Councillor Ezeifedi had sent apologies that she had had to leave after minute number 2.



Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest.




The minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2022 to be submitted and signed. 


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2022 were submitted and signed. 



Official Announcements



Following the recent elections, the Chairman welcomed returning councillors and those taking up their roles for the first time.  On behalf of Watford Borough Council, the Chairman thanked those councillors who had stood down at the last election for their work and support to their communities.


Centenary celebrations

The Chairman highlighted the forthcoming celebration of the Borough’s centenary to take place in Cassiobury Park on 4 June 2022.  All members had also been provided with a centenary lapel badge.


Registers of interest

Council was reminded to return any new or updated registers of interest to the Group Head of Democracy and Governance. 



Development management, licensing and scrutiny training had been scheduled. Members were reminded to register if they intended to sit or substitute on any of these committees. Those unable to attend should speak to the Democratic Services Manager.




Questions by Members of the Council under Council Procedure Rule 10.0


No questions had been received.



Petitions presented under Council Procedure Rule 12.0


No petitions had been received.



Business especially brought forward by the Chairman or the Head of Paid Service which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered as a matter of urgency.


There was no urgent business.


Notification of Constitution of Political Groups pdf icon PDF 457 KB


The Democratic Services Manager reported receipt of notice under the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 and Council Procedure Rule 24.0 about the formation of political groups.  The political group details were as follows:

Liberal Democrat Group


Leader                        Councillor Jennifer Pattinson

Deputy Leader         Councillor Glen Saffery

Group Secretary      Councillor Peter Hannon


Group Members      Councillors Ahmed, Allen-Williamson, Clarke-Taylor, Devonish, Dychton, Feldman, Grimston, Hamid, Hannon, Hofman, Jeffree, Johnson, Kloss, Martins, Nembhard, Osborn, Pattinson, Rodrigues, A Saffery, G Saffery, Stanton, Stiff, Stotesbury, Walford, Watkin, Wenham, Williams and Mayor Taylor


Labour Group


Leader                        Councillor Nigel Bell

Deputy Leader         Councillor Favour Ezeifedi

Group Secretary      Councillor Matt Turmaine


Group Members      Councillors Bell, Dhindsa, Ezeifedi, Khan, Shah, Smith, Trebar, Turmaine and Watling




that Council notes the composition of the political groups as at 24 May 2022.




Notification to Council of members of the Cabinet and Portfolio Holders pdf icon PDF 364 KB


Council received a report of the Mayor setting out details of the Deputy Mayor, members of the Cabinet and Portfolio Holders and their responsibilities.

The Mayor thanked Councillor Johnson for the fantastic work he had done over a long period of time and explained how the portfolio had been redistributed.


that the appointments made by the Mayor be noted.



Executive Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 367 KB

Additional documents:


Council received a report of the Group Head of Democracy and Governance informing members that the scheme of delegation had been updated.




that the updated Executive Scheme of Delegation approved by the Mayor be noted.



Programme of meetings 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 357 KB

Additional documents:


Council received a report of the Democratic Services Officer including the programme of ordinary meetings of the Council for the municipal year 2022/23.  Groups had been consulted on the dates and given an opportunity to comment. 


that the timetable of meetings for 2022/23 be adopted.



Establishment of Committees and Appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs pdf icon PDF 413 KB

Additional documents:


Council received a report of the Democratic Services Manager requesting:

a)          that Council unanimously agrees that the Standards Committee is not politically balanced as set out in paragraph 4.4.1 of the report;


b)          that Council agrees the establishment of politically balanced committees as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report;


c)           that Council agrees the establishment of non-politically balanced committees as set out in paragraph 4.2 of the report;

d)          that Council agrees the appointment of members to politically balanced committees as set out in paragraph and 4.3.1 and Appendix 1 to the report;

e)          that Council appoints chairs and vice-chairs to committees listed in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 and Appendix 1 to the report.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Chairman informed Council that there was an under subscription of one seat on Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  As this was a politically balanced committee, the seat would be allocated to the Labour group. Councillor Bell nominated Councillor Ezeifedi to take up the vacant seat.

On being put to Council this nomination was AGREED.

Appeals Panel

The Chairman informed Council that there was an under subscription of one seat on the Appeals Panel.  As this was a politically balanced committee, the seat would be allocated to the Labour group. Councillor Bell nominated Councillor Watling to take up the vacant seat.


On being put to Council this nomination was AGREED.


Climate Emergency and Sustainability Forum

The Labour group had advised that they wished to nominate one further councillor to this forum.  Councillor Bell then nominated Councillor Trebar.

On being put to Council this nomination was AGREED.

Housing Policy Advisory Group
The Chairman advised that there was an under subscription of one on this group. Mayor Taylor nominated Councillor G Saffery.

On being put to Council this nomination was AGREED.

Planning Policy Advisory Group

There was an under subscription of 3 seats on Planning Policy Advisory Group. There were no further nominations and members were advised to contact the Democratic Services Manager with any future nominations.  It was noted that all members were welcome to attend Planning and Housing Policy Advisory Groups.

The Chairman moved the membership of the committees and sub committees as set out in Appendix 1, subject to the above changes.

On being put to Council the nominations were AGREED.

Chairs and Vice Chairs

Finance Scrutiny Committee – Appointment of Chair

The Chairman requested nominations for the position of Chair of Finance Scrutiny Committee.  Nominees should be a member of Overview and Scrutiny committee and, by convention, from an opposition party.  Councillor Khan nominated Councillor Turmaine, seconded by Councillor Dhindsa.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Appointment of Vice-Chair

The Chairman asked for nominations to the position of Vice-Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  By convention this should be a member of an opposition party. Councillor Bell nominated Councillor Ezeifedi.


On being put to Council the nomination was AGREED.


The Chairman moved the other appointments to chairs and vice chairs as circulated.


On being put to Council the nominations were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Appointment of representatives of the Council on outside organisations 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 369 KB

Additional documents:


Council received a report of the Democratic Services Manager including nominations to Council appointments on outside bodies and details of the Mayor’s appointments. 


1.     that Council appoints as its representatives on outside bodies those people listed in Appendix 2 to these minutes;


2.     that Council notes the appointments made by the Mayor to those organisations listed in Appendix 3 to these minutes. 




Motions submitted under Council Procedure Rule 13.0


No motions had been submitted.