Decision details

Suggested task group topics for 2019/20

Decision Maker: Overview and Scrutiny Committee,

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider two suggestions for scrutiny task groups for the new municipal year.


The scrutiny committee received a report of the Committee and Scrutiny Officer which included two scrutiny suggestions submitted by Mayor Taylor. 


The scrutiny committee discussed the two options and it was agreed that the one about mental health provision in the borough would be carried out first.  It was noted that the Committee and Scrutiny Officer would contact all non-executive councillors after the local elections and ask for the names of those interested in taking part in the review.  They would also be asked to advise if they were interested in chairing the task group.  Further work would be undertaken on the detailed scope for the review.




1.      that a task group be established in the new municipal year to review mental health provision in the borough.


2.      that the task group membership be delegated to the Head of Democracy and Governance in consultation with the chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Report author: Sandra Hancock

Publication date: 28/03/2019

Date of decision: 21/03/2019

Decided at meeting: 21/03/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee

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